andrew muzychuk

Leadership, family, theology and world events

How gay debate prevents us from preaching the Gospel

gospel vs gay depateFirst of all, let me clearly state my view on the homosexuality issue.

  1. It is a sin, and there is no way around it.
  2. It is not just another sin.  On one hand any sin is sin, but different sins have different impacts: on human mental, or body health, and the whole community, and society. Any sexual sin brings destruction on all levels, and homosexuality is not an exception, but rather a pinnacle of them.
  3. Yet, many honest Christians have been hijacked by the discussions about homosexuality. It is not like we shouldn’t get involved, not seek political or legal solutions, but for many it became an obsession, or “the Gospel”.  We forget that only the message about Jesus can save a person. And, it will sound too radical, but it doesn’t mater what kind of person goes to hell: straight or gay. We keep mistaking causes and consequences. According to Romans 1, homosexuality is the consequences of a humanity that rejected God.  So then, the solution should be preaching the Gospel to all. Any sin is the secondary issue; rejection of Jesus’ lordship is the primary issue.


Who manipulates us into discussing secondary issues?

1. Media.

Recently, I listened to Katie Couric’s interview of pastors; each interview lasted only a few minutes. It was an opportunity to reach millions of hearts. But the same question was asked again and again: “What is your position on gay marriage?” We live in the post Christian America  and I believe our message should be similar to Paul’s on Mars Hill to Greeks: “there is a God who created everything, who gave us time on the earth so we can get to know Him through Jesus Christ.”  But media is dragging us into what is “hot”, but useless for the Gospel’s sake.


2. Gay community.

Not the whole gay community is radical, but it is led by radicals who are looking on how to alienate those who don’t support them. The picture that is drawn by them right now is: all progressive people support us and only the Evangelical Christians, rednecks, and right conservatives hate us. That very message closes doors to gays and straights who are looking for help. And the church can and should offer solutions to both of them.


3. Public

The gay community and media have succeeded in marginalizing Evangelical Christians, and alienated people who need help from those who can help. A few years ago, during a break,  the guys were sitting and cracking jokes about gays. Suddenly one of them said something like: “And those Christians hate gays”. I was shocked, and responded: “You were just mocking them, and I didn’t participate in it. So how did you come up with the idea that we hate them?” That is the position of many people, they don’t really accept gays, but they believe that all that Christians do is just hate on gays.



Unfortunately Christians have been manipulated into spending too much time and energy replacing the Gospel message with antigay rhetorics. Nothing stirs our community as much as the gay issue. Outreach, mission, prayer, Bible study won’t bring as much posts, reposts, internet traffic, physical gathering, emotions, blog writings, etc. But doing so, we are failing to preach the Gospel, being available for gays who would like to ask for help, and creating an atmosphere where we would see the church not as an enemy, but the doctor who is honest about your condition, yet is willing to help.


If there is something that can be accomplished on this issue, lets participate in it. But if not, let’s cut on empty emotions and posts and concentrate on preaching the Gospel to our neighbors, whoever they are, straight or gays.

2 comments on “How gay debate prevents us from preaching the Gospel

  1. Dr Ben Booyens
    May 5, 2014

    We may not chase these people away, but show the love of Christ to them, to bring them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. God loves them as well and Jesus died for them as as well. So, let’s show God’s love to every person we meet. gay or straight.

  2. Nate
    May 6, 2014

    Nice post.

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